Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Consciousness Matters

Consciousness of the higher kind and mind is the point we are shifting through now,
this is required for us to to be an aware, awakened, elevated ( in vibration)  openly caring and connected world. So to become Present in our moments, our life's and our choices.
This can happen more easily when we as a collective have a tipping point and we turn in our pain and the layers of the past into the light of the future, a consciousness is being birthed and many many not get through the doorways if we continue to hold onto old patterns and old thoughts and old ways of being when the next wave is knocking on our door. The earth is raising it's vibration constantly and it's frequency it has to it has to be clean and clear and balance all things. Nature in it's simplicity and divinity always strives to balance, and therefore so must we strive to be a cleaner and clearer society. Simple,co-hesive and back to a more natural way of living.