Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 21 2010 Solstice Full moon Total Lunar Eclipse Syncronicity

A superhighway and the doorway to the dimensional shift of superconsciousness
be the change you wish to see in the world and create (Y)our future earth

Soltice shift winter 2010 a prelude to 2012

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Healing the male female rift

Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine
Throughout time throughout centuries of time in this planet there has been a misuse of power and energy between male and female, women and men, and most recently at what seems to be it;s apex.
Domination, power over, suppression, dictatorship, in our realtionships, global and local economies, politics and even under the guise of business, each has a consciousness each has like minded individuals and a leader or director. This is not simply a gender issue's.
When we become self aware and display, live and become the positive balance in this age old war of the worlds we emanate the feminine qualities from unity not duality and separation. Love, gentleness, compassion, equality, understanding, patience, support, self respect and power not powerlessness.
There are still so many dualistic and separated themes playing out under the male female rift
It is time to wake up and step into the union of divine masculine and divine feminine not remain in the templates of our individualized identities. it is time now
It also may be time, ( what do you think) to let go and expand on our definitions of who we really are and let that in, so go beyond our and societies imposed perceptions of your identity as a man or a woman, mother or daughter, father and husband, wife or mother, labels of divisions for the role we have taken on here. Beyond Duality and beyond male and female we are so much more.
As a person and and consciousness as a whole those who have the awareness and ability and even those who have a subconscious pull to do so need to follow that calling now and as we say
As within so without, be the change that will be reflected out in the environment
wishing you divine union and balance in the union of masc and feminine beyond duality.
It is time to wake up to that change now.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Get out those wings

clean up you inner world and your outer world will reflect that change and reality
this shift is going to have an impact on everyone and every layer and level of society, in every place on the globe
and in all persons, institutions and organizations, It is ondeed out with the old and in with the new
We in our location and groups of consciousness are intent in our focus and hearts in creating that which we see reflected in our futures.Now more than any time in our histroy is the time to be the change you wish to see. So clean up those iridescent wings elevate your mind and be prepared to fly.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Illusions, can you see through those ?

a view within limited perception
the echo appearing real - (when the outer world does not YET reflect the inner you)
I have observed when I look into the environment that we call reality I see the echo the past and the actual reality occurs when I am in alignment to that particular vibrational frequency. sometimes the illusion fools me for a moment yet it is also a frame of reference.

for an example that occurred today a wondrous client let's call her Sheila came in a few months ago and returned last week for a Lightbody Treatment and she had lived under beneath or within the illusion of illness, fear and imbalance
when she had her vision expanded by being here and we accelarated and shifted the walls in a way by sharing the perception and opening her eyes ( the eyes to see)
her comment today shook me with it's kindness, compassion and now wisdom
"I didn't know I had another choice, I din;t know there were choices..........I could only see what was in front of me and in my environment "
In Avatar they say I SEE YOU that stirred me deeply to the core.
most see what they want to or choose to but they do not see through the illusion as you have to more than the situation be more of you to walk through those walls and through the Illusions

So Sheila was seeing and living the illusion of power and not through the power the illusion had over her !
One more benefit of choosing to Raise the Vibration

Sunday, January 17, 2010

your definitions have power

2010 and beyond fast forward to NOW

a time of great change just like every day and every new moment
there is it seems to us alot of debate, interest perhaps fear and excitement, shows, movies and talk. Intellectual discussion and down pouring of what this shift will bring and what it is about. In reality no-ones knows and no-one has a handle on things or exactly what will be the changes.
In reality you will decide what it is and how it will come about.
A dear friend reminded me recently these ideas and these things
I have taken them to heart and integrated them to mind and spirit
they are my present direction as a compass and we want to share them with you

your words have power, be impeccable with your words
your feelings have power be positive, wise and responsible with your feelings
your thoughts have power be remarkable with your thought
your heart has power be a visionary with your heart

Your mind has the future in focus aim high with your mind

All that you create will become your reality

and there is not need for false analogy if it doesn't resonate in alignment with your being well simply don't go there, don't sweat it, see it, feel it if you must, and leave it.
Remember to dance and always Lighten up
we are here to Raise the Vibration - not lower it
that's been done before !!
hugs and spinning bursts of consciousness and higher light to you.